Friday, 19 February 2010


Lydia K leads the way as The Eye go on the march at LFW

It's All About The Benjamins

I'm always fighting with clients about the budget for models, so when Stewart Grays came to me and suggested they use one of their own people for the shoot i assumed they were just being cheap. How wrong can i be ? One of the directors of this luxury lifestyle company is also one of the most beautiful women in the world Miss Clara Benjamin.

A supermodel NEVER forgets how to sell a picture and a product. Look and learn children

photos by Alisa and having the gorgeous River on board didn't hurt either :-)

(now where's my bag ??)

Friday, 12 February 2010

Matt's Got 'The Eye'

And it's about fucking time.

After much tooing and froing and general faffing about between Cornwall/London/Madrid and Las Vegas the beautiful Mr Law is finally a proper model. I don't need to tell you where I signed, him do I???

Look out for his fabulous shoot in the new Coitus Mag and his face on billboards around the world very soon, for the new Swatch campaign with Rankin!!!