Sunday, 26 September 2010

The Eye Does London Fashion Week

With us in New York, Lydia and James working and Eddie and Rahma out of the country I kinda assumed that The Eye wouldn't have much to do with LFW this year, so we were half way through before I realised that couldn't have been more wrong. There was.................

Xavi and Jeremy @ Krizia Robustella

Millie opening Lako Bukia (Look at Janice looking on jealously!!!) and closing Corrie Nielson

Willem @ Lou Dalton

Rob @ Oswald Boateng

Jessica @ Clements Ribiero, Masha Ma & Prophetik

And then Ms Mohamed arrived back in town, just in the nick of time to..............

Open Aminaka Wilmont

Close Osman

And also walk for Ashish and Elliot J Frieze

She also did Trina Turk and Binetti in New York, all without appearing in a single show pack!!!

Nice work guys and we promise to take a lot more notice next season. In fact rumour has it that we might make a sensational casting comeback!!!

Thursday, 2 September 2010


When Charlie moved agencies to head up his own mens division it was inevitable that some of the The Eye boys would follow.


Are now at Elite London!!!